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Frontwave Geophysics provides cost-effective, high-resolution geophysical surveys which can make a valuable contribution to geological investigations.

Bedrock topography and paleochannel mapping

Knowledge of bedrock topography is often essential for construction projects, especially those involving excavation, trenching, and tunneling. The contact between overburden and rock is commonly characterized by a sharp contrast in physical properties of the geologic medium and therefore represents a direct target for a variety of geophysical methods. Continuous seismic and electrical resistivity profiling allows for rapid investigation of large sites and provides an economical alternative to costly drilling. Advanced two-dimensional (2D) data acquisition and processing techniques can be particularly effective for detailed imaging of complex bedrock topography, such as that associated with paleochannels.

Overburden characterization


Spatial distribution of physical parameters obtained through the inversion of geophysical data is used for lithological and stratigraphic interpretation. The dependence of soil electrical resistivity/conductivity on clay content allows using the data of resistivity and electromagnetic (EM) methods for identification and delineation of lithological units. Seismic data are processed to produce either a visual representation of the subsurface in the form of cross-sections, or velocity depth models that provide information about seismic properties of different geological layers.


Seismic velocity models obtained using the refraction and MASW methods can also be used to assess the mechanical properties of soils, such as their density, shear strength, and stiffness, which are important for engineering and construction purposes.


Aquifer mapping and water table


Electrical resistivity and EM methods are best suited for the identification and delineation of aquifers and aquitards. Ground resistivity models allow establishing the depth and thickness of an aquifer/aquitard and assessing its petrophysical properties (porosity, permeability). Seismic methods are used to determine the depth to the water table in unconsolidated materials and the topography of consolidated rock underlying an aquifer.


The employment of geophysical surveys facilitates hydrogeological modelling by providing more comprehensive input data and assists in choosing the optimal placement of groundwater wells.


Rock fracture zones and karst studies


Identifying fracture zones, high degree of weathering and karstic features in rock is important in groundwater exploration for characterization of rock aquifers, environmental studies for determination of flow paths and geotechnical investigations for geohazard assessment. Geophysics can be a valuable tool in studying weathered rock and karst. It provides non-intrusive and cost-effective solutions for mapping fracture zones and for detecting and mapping subsurface karst features such as voids.


The rock quality is mainly assessed using seismic methods. Some commonly used geophysical methods for karst studies include ground penetrating radar (GPR), electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) and seismic refraction tomography (SRT).


Permafrost mapping


Knowing permafrost distribution is essential for understanding climate change, ecosystem dynamics, and infrastructure stability. In cold regions, permafrost plays a crucial role in groundwater exploration and resource management. Because of the sharp contrast between physical properties, such as electrical resistivity, dielectric constant and seismic velocities, of the unfrozen and frozen soils, electrical, electromagnetic, and seismic methods are used extensively in permafrost studies. Geophysical methods are employed for a variety of tasks: identification and delineation of taliks, determination of the depth to the top and base of the permafrost layer, monitoring of freeze-thaw processes (time-lapse surveys).


  • Seismic reflection

  • Seismic refraction

  • Electrical resistivity

  • MASW

  • Ground penetrating radar

  • Electromagnetic methods

Geophysical technicial laying out the cable for a seismic survey.
Seismic reflection cross-section showing reflectors at various depths.
Seismic (MASW) survey in progress.
Two workers carrying a low-frequency GPR antenna.
A survey crew on snowmobiles in the Arctic.
Near-surface geophysical survey at a mine site.

© 2024 by Frontwave Geophysics Inc.

Servicing Toronto (GTA), Ottawa, London, Windsor, Kingston, Sudbury, and the whole of Ontario

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